best joomla business templates

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Joomla News: best joomla business templates

Every experienced owner of business knows that definitely need to think carefully about the style of the business sites. Only if the business sites design are rigorous, beautiful and clean you can achieve high business efficiency and maximize profits from any cause. Joomla templates are perfect for business sites. Choose your best joomla business templates for your sites.


BizOne - best joomla business template

BizOne is a new joomla business template for business, photographers, artists. One page template is a perfect for personal websites, portfolio websites and business websites. BizOne is a fully responsive and based Bootstrap 2. BizOne - best joomla business template has image gallery, Google maps module, touch-screen slideshow, quickstart package. Choose best joomla templates from OrdaSoft.

BizOne joomla business template include:

  • Responsive design
  • jQuery effects
  • Quickstart
  • Twitter Bootstrap
  • Cross-Browser Compatibility
  • Google Fonts

BizOne - best joomla business template


Corpway - best joomla business template

Corpway is a new best joomla business template from Shape5. Corpway is a responsive joomla template for Joomla 2.5 and Joomla 3. Design of Corpway made in bright colors that can easily be changed via the built-functional manager. The template has been designed on the company framework platform S5 Vertex, which ensures optimal performance of the entire site. Corpway as one of the best joomla business templates has 3rd Party Stylings for Joomanager, Tienda, Virtuemart, and K2. Corpway has S5 Flex Menu system: very powerful plugin that provides functionality far beyond what the standard Joomla menu system can provide. Corpway is an excellent choice for creating high-quality business websites and corporate projects.

Corpway - responsive joomla template


JA Biz - best joomla business template

JA Biz is a business template from JoomlArt, designed for the newest versions CMS Joomla. JA Biz as best joomla template is able to transform any site into a stylish and professional. JA Biz as one of the best joomla templates includes several color schemes, flexible typography, various modular variations and much more. JA Biz is designed on the latest platform T3 Framework, using all possibilities Bootstrap 3. JA Biz has EasyBlog and all extensions and is optimized. JA Biz has an adaptive design, support all browsers and different mobile devices.

JA Biz - best joomla business template


JS Shaper Avetivey - best joomla business template

JS Shaper Avetiveys is a professional business template from JoomShaper for sites using current versions of CMS Joomla. Contemporary design of best joomla template is presented in 6 color themes, that can be reversed through the built-manager. In the best joomla business template were added best extension, that will nice demonstrate all content. Multifunctional platform Helix V2 pattern gives all the necessary properties required of the modern professional websites. For the convenience of site materials in the assembly was added popular manager K2. JS Shaper Awetive - is a great choice for creating stylish business websites and corporate projects.

JS Shaper Avetivey - best joomla template


HOT Blocks - best joomla business template

HOT Blocks - is an excellent pattern with adaptive properties developed by HotJoomla. HOT Blocks - best joomla business template includes 4 original colors themes and a very flexible layout. One of the best joomla business templates contains the automatic adjustment of the display contents on different screens and devices. HOT Blocks has Hot Full Carousel, allowing you to create visual slideshow, Hot Photo Gallery plugin, with which you can quickly and easily add images in material and Hot Maps, responsible for full integration with the service Google Maps. HOT Blocks is perfectly optimized, fast loading, and perfect for business websites.

HOT Blocks - One of the best joomla business templates


JXTC Planate - best joomla business template

JXTC Planate is a beautiful template from JoomlaXTC, designed in soothing colors. JXTC Planate has CSS3 effects, that give it a special original appearance. JXTC Planate is a responsive joomla template automatically adapt to any screens and mobile devices. JXTC Planate includes XTC Framework, full support for different browsers and overall system optimization. The structure of the template manager includes content management, providing a comfortable work site materials. To increase the basic capabilities JXTC Planate also has added support for third-party extensions and AcyMailing Komento. JXTC Planate can be used to create contemporary projects or business cards.

JXTC Planate - responsive joomla template


JS Shaper Optima - best joomla business template

JS Shaper Optima is a best joomla template with original design. One of the best joomla business templates includes 6 variants of designs, responsive contains functions for mobile platforms. JS Shaper Optima is based on a popular framework Helix V2, which provides full access to change the layout of elements. JS Shaper Optima - responsive joomla template includes good features, support many club extensions and flexible content management manager K2. JS Shaper Optima is perfect for creating stylish business websites.

JS Shaper Optima - responsive joomla template

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