Map Settings * Map Style - Default, Grey, Light, Voyager, Relieve, Hot, Topo, Original and Dark * Zoom * Map Height * Latitude * Longitude * Popup text ( display tooltip on markers ) * Custom Popup style (Yes/No) * Back...

Data Source: ucwords(" Articles ") * Category filters - Yes/No * Tag filters - Yes/No * Show filter labels - Yes/No * Count Items * Image type - Intro Image, Fulltext Image, Inline Image * Category Filtering Type - Inclusiv...

Settings in items: * Image * Text caption * Link URL * Duration time Carousel Settings * Item width and height * Slides displayed * Style ( light or dark) * Make 3D (Yes/No) * Perspective (Yes/No) * Animation Sp...

Articles slider module - responsive extension for joomla 3.x. Load image, title, text, read more, voting, category, author from articles. Articles can be selected from one or more categories or other choice to select specific article...

module for joomla 3.x which loads images and texts from articles. Optional photo, title, text info, date, social media, read more, hits, ratings and author. Related Articles * Joomla Templates * Joomla News * Joomla Extensions ...

Sj DJClassifieds Super Category is released for users who use classified ads extension: DJ-Classifieds. The DJClassifieds Super Category module supports to show any ads category with 3 levels: the parent category, subcategory ...