The module helps administrators to add pop-up ads on the home page of products, offers, promotions from the back-office based on selected language and showcase in the front-office using interactive popup.   This module helps administrators...
Comments: 0 Views: 2754    shahab

This module creates a splash screen on your site with your news. Warns customers of your clients from the entrance to your site.Box popup you to increase your sales! Warn visitors about a very important news at the beginning of their vis...
Comments: 1 Views: 1711    Webtet

This module helps to manage your banners. Settings and managing of your banners has never been so easy! Creating or removing banners, possibility to enable or disable banners. You can use captions for announcing a new and special product...
Comments: 1 Views: 1771    Webtet

The module helps to add mp4 video in pop-up on home page of products,offers,promotions from back-office. The module accept mp4 video file uploaded from back-office this provide alternative solution for youtube and other hosted video apps pr...
Comments: 0 Views: 1815    shahab

  The module helps to add youtube video regarding offers,promotions,products, store etc and showcase in home page popup based on selected languages from back-office.It helps to show different videos based on multilingual store language....
Comments: 0 Views: 2004    shahab

This prestashop addons helps to communicate with clients on your online store and turn visitors into customers.This helps to build relationship helps to play mp3 audio in background of stored pages with volume,pause,play and autoplay con...
Comments: 0 Views: 1845    shahab