Joomla metro style templates

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Joomla News: Joomla metro style templates


1. Underground Metro UI Joomla Template

Underground is clean and powerful Joomla 2.5 template based on Metro design. Underground Template designed specifically for VirtueMart ecommerce. Underground is a fully responsive theme, which means it adapts to the screen resolution of the device it is being viewed on. Latest HTML5 and CSS3 techniques amazing design, all it placed in OS Underground template.

TEMPLATE DETAILS: Underground Metro UI Joomla Template

Responsive Design

Twitter Bootstrap

OS Blank Joomla Template

OS Frontend StyleChanger

Virtue Mart component 2.0

Virtue Mart Category

Virtue Mart Shopping cart

Virtue Mart Latest products

Virtue Mart Products

OS Location Map Module

OS Joomla Social Comments and Sharing

OS Touch Slider

Compatible with the following browsers: IE8+ ; Firefox 1.5 + ; Safari ; Chrome.

Underground Metro UI Joomla Template


2.METRO SHOWS Joomla Template


Metro Shows is versatile Responsive Joomla Template and loaded with great features! The design can be used on any website but has a modern metro style to it which works great along side responsive. We've updated the S5 Weather module to include a new tabbed mode and with some new styling to match this template. The S5 Tab Show module has also been updated for this template to now support responsive layouts. Be sure to check out the demo to see all the features of Metro and don't forget to resize and check mobile to see its full potential!.

METRO SHOWS Joomla Template


3.JSN Metro – Responsive Joomla Creative Template

Description JSN Metro – Responsive Joomla Creative Template

SN Metro is the latest innovation in the Metro legacy. Its interfaces are supposed to encourage the sense of depth, experiment and usage. About the design, JSN Metro is color drenched with lots of pop. Its extended style was crafted specially for JomSocial – ” the powerful community software for Joomla! This Joomla! template also works seamlessly with K2 & Kunena components.

JSN Metro – Responsive Joomla Creative Template


4.Free Metro Style Joomla Template - OT Surfdev

FEATURES ET BFree Metro Style Joomla Template - OT Surfdev

100% tableless CSS,with changeable width of template and column layouts

Solid pre-defined style.

Hot Effects Rotator module pre-installed.

Hot QuickStart (SQL dump) available with both single purchase or membership plan.

26 fully collapsible module positions.

Validates with XHTML 1.0 Transitional.

SEO friendly.

PSD file included.

Tested in IE8+, Firefox, Chrome, Safari and Opera browsers.

Joomla 2.5 native

Base Solid Framework

Clean and well comments in CSS and PHP code

Free Metro Style Joomla Template - OT Surfdev


5.Leo Metro Template Joomla

FEATURES Leo Metro Template Joomla

Leo Metro is a first template for Joomla 3.0 which is built on Bootstrap and Leo Framework 2.0 . It 's bold and beautiful Joomla Template for anyone looking to give their website a model and professional look. The Joomla Template is suitable for Personal Blog, High-tech Blog, News Site, Business Blog Website... It is packed with powerful features to suit almost everybody’s needs and yet so simple to use.

It comes with 4 amazing themes color, clean styles, Responsive features and support customize changing background, text-color, font-size..etc via the template configuration.This Theme is built on our powerful template Framework called Leo Framework 2.0 - giving you the ultimate flexibility and speed ,responsive.

Leo Metro Template Joomla

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