
Views: 643 Added Date: 31 January 2009 Edit Like
Joomla Extension: AdsenseSearch

CMS: Joomla Version:  Type: component Extension Topic: Menu Systems

This is TRULY Hello world component for joomla 1.5 (no legacy mode!) This component introduces simple Administration/User interface and render "Hello WORLD" into joomla content. This component is the NUMER TWO "Hello world" and shows how to do joomla component with MVC (model view controller). You will learn : how to do very simple example of JOOMLA 1.5 component how to localize your components(english/czech language component) how to create administrator backend interface (administrator component) how to create user frontend interface (site component) how to create XML script for your component how to use system logs to debuging your code I found it very flustrating that the original helloworld example used pattemplates and gave me errors. Narcissus made a great piece of work documenting weblinks component. Narcissus - weblinks I left some of his notes in my component. For more information visit: If you like to see languages support: 1) Copy "cs-CZ" directory (installationlanguagecs-CZ) into "language" directory (languagecs-CZ) 2) copy "cs-CZ" directory (installationlanguagecs-CZ) into "administratorlanguage" directory (administratorlanguagecs-CZ) 3) Choose Czech language for site and for administration.

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