
Views: 1128 Added Date: 31 January 2009 Edit Like
Joomla Extension: camelcitycontent2

CMS: Joomla Version:  Type: component Extension Topic: Multi Categorization

From, written by Noel Hunter. Displays articles for editing. This component displays a list of a user's articles in the Joomla front end, with links for them to read/more and edit. It is especially handy for editing articles which have been submitted by authors, but which have not yet been published, since these users do not have access to the backend. The component displays only links to the edit page, and relies on Joomla core components for editing. Users see only their own articles. Editors can see all users' articles. When adding the component to a menu, you can choose to show published, unpublished, or all articles. You can also select a section, allow article deletion, and show article intro text in the listing. By default, a link to the help forum at is displayed at the bottom of the listing, but it can be turned off in the params. Initial code for this component was based on the sample component from _Learning Joomla 1.5 Extension Development_, by Joseph LeBlanc, (C) 2007 Packt Publishing,

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