
Views: 633 Added Date: 12 February 2009 Edit Like
Joomla Extension: shSmoothSlideShow

CMS: Joomla Version:  Type: module Extension Topic: 

This module displays a dynamic slideshow or a showcase (with controls). There can be fading transitions between images, an associated hyperlink and an overlay description text. Output is valid XHTL 1.0 trans This core software is adapted from earlier work from JonDesign SmoothSlideShow, itself using the moo.fx library. The initial code was transformed to objects, in order to allow several instances on the same page. It also uses CCallWrapper from Netscape and Bob Clary. shSmoothSlideshow 0.9.84 release notes: user documentation --------------------------------------------------------- 0 - Change log February 19, 2007 - Fixed bug when reading files from dir using a filename mask February 14, 2007 - file mask parameter added to select only some files from directory like: *.jpg or Photos-New-York-2007.*. Can be multiple : *.jpg;*.png will select all jpg and all png files from directory - Fixed bug in javascript that prevented to apply margin or borders to images from CSS style shee - added prefixes to moo.fx, moo.fx.pack and prototype.lite libraries to improve compatibility with other modules or templates - libraries are now linked only once, even if there are several slideshows on the same page February 4, 2007 : - change in the way output_buffering is handled, to improve compatibility with servers which have output_buffering on jannuary 22, 2007 - default css now has background-image set to none for dl, dt, dd, ul and li - module output is now valid XHTL 1.0 trans - no more bot to link javascript : this required to install both a module and a bot. Then the bot would link javascript on all pages, even if the module was not loaded on a given page - javascript and CSS styles are automatically inserted by the module itself in the page section. Javascript as links, css is output as inline styles - added parameter to control whether slideshow is displayed as a module or inside a content article. If within a content, must add {shsmoothslideshow SHOWUNIQUEID} tag somewhere within your content, exactly as if you were using a mambot. There cannot be several instances of the same slideshow in one content item, however there can be several distincts slideshows in the same content. WARNING : the new version is not compatible with the mosloadposition mambot that was used previously to obtain the same result. So if you upgrade, you have to replace the tags in your articles. 1 - Installation : Install the usual way, through Joomla installer, as a module. Contrary to previous versions, there is no associated mambot. All work is done by the module only, including placing slideshows in your regular content article and linking javascript and css. If you are upgrading from previous version, just override the files with the new ones. login the backend and adjust all parameters for each copy of the module, especially the new parameters, the save or apply. That should be enough. You can then uninstall the associated mambot, which is not needed anymore. 2 - Usage Use as any other module. However, you can also insert one or more slideshow into regular content, as follow: - publish the module in a module position is available in your template. For instance : right. Don't worry, the module will not output anything in this position ! - make sure the backend module parameter "Insert in content" is set to Yes - in you article, write the following texte wherever you want the show to appear : {shsmoothslideshow SHOWUNIQUEID} Replace SHOWUNIQUEID by the name you have entered as the first parameter in the backend ('Module unique ID'. Remember there should be no spaces, +, -, or similir. Only letters and numbers are really fine. WARNING: for this feature to work, the module has to be published in a position loaded AFTER the main body of the page. Look through your template file, locate a call to mosMainBody(), and use any module position that appears after this function call. If you don't know what the last sentence is about, and the module do not work when used in content, then try publishing it in another position. For instance Right insted of left, or even Debug. 3 - Functions The module displays a slideshow of images. The slideshow can be automatic or user controlled. If automatic, the time between two images is set through a parameter in Joomla backend interface. If user controlled, two small arrows are displayed on top of the image : one to switch to the previous image, one to go to the next - transition : transition between two images has a fading effect. The duration of this effect is a parameter - image selection : images for the slideshow can be selected in two ways : * directory selection : give a directory, and the module will read and display all images from that directory in sequence. At the moment, it is not possible do play them in random order * manual selection : the module has a short list of twenty images, from a fixed directory : images/stories/shSmoothSlideshow. If you choose to gor for manual selction, you will be able to pick 20 images, in the order you like, but only from the above directory. However, for each of these 20 images, you can : ** enter an hyperlink : if the user click on the image, he will be directed to whatever address you set here ** enter a title and a comment : this title and comment will be displayed on a transparent background, overlayed on top of the image, with a sliding effect. Th is "infopanel" will appear only after a user-defined time, and will show until just before the image is replaced by the next one There is also a global parameter to decide whether the links should open in the same browser window, or in a new one - Random display : if yes, images will be displayed in random order - slideshow size : you can specify a width and a height for the slide show. Ther is also a stretchMode parameter, where you can decide how the images will be resized. You can have a fixed width (height is adjusted), a fixed height (width is adjusted) or both, which means that the slideshow will be contained within a fixed rectangle. If you do so however, there might be somme issues at the moment with the sliding panel or the arrow (in user controlled mode) not showing in the correct position. If you chose to set both width and height, you can also ask the module to center the images within the fixed rectangle through a parameter - styling : all items of the show can be styled through a stylesheet. There is a template sheet (modules/shHMenu/css/jd.slideshow.tpl.css) that you can use to create a different style sheet altogether. If you need to have CSS for one of your module (there can be several copies of the module), just make a copy of the original file (jd.slideshow.tpl.css) in the same directory, and name it modules/shSmoothSlideshow/css/SLIDESHOWUNIQUEID.slideshow.tpl.css. You can then adjust all styles as needed in this file, which wil be used only for the module copy with an id = SLIDESHOWUNIQUEID You do not have to replace special tags you will se in the file, similar to {divIDName}. They will be automatically replaced by the module using the values you have entered in the backend.

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