Views: 1105 Added Date: 02 February 2009 Edit Like
Joomla Extension: LastVBF

CMS: Joomla Version:  Type: module Extension Topic: Site Map

LastVBF This Module Display Latest Threads Title's and Link's of VBulletin Forums Install : 1- Before Installation be sure that External Data is Enable & Guests Have permission to view threads.     admincp >> vBulletin Options >> vBulletin Options >> External Data Provider >> Enable External Javascript do yes & enable it.     Admincp -> Add Module -> [Template] -> Fill All Fields as Described... 2-Enter the url of you forum in the module Parameters     DO NOT ADD  '/'  IN THE END OF YOUR URL     for example :   is true   is false 3- (new):If you dont want to show all forums , type Forums id in Text box. for example : 04    or  01,02,03,08,09     The forumid number of a forum can be found by editing a forum in the AdminCP. It's listed at the top, next to the forum name.     if you want to see all forum , empty this Textbox 4- Choose Your Module Style and Change the Module Parameters 5- Publish module and enjoy

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