Virtuemart 2.0.24

Views: 1410 Added Date: 02 October 2013 Virtuemart Like
Joomla Extension: Virtuemart 2.0.24

CMS: Joomla Version: 2.5 Type: component Extension Topic: Shopping Cart

This release is introducing SOFORT Banking, a popular payment solution in 10 european countries. We also integrated some bug fixes again, see the list below.


Your customers simply pay in your online shop just as they are used to: by entering their familiar online banking login details and confirmation codes ensuring a maximum level of security. You will receive a real-time transaction confirmation immediately after the transfer has been listed.

SOFORT Banking is a direct payment system and works like an automated advanced payment (by bank transfer) within seconds.

When shopping online, your customer selects SOFORT Banking as a payment method. Then, your customer selects his/her country and enters the bank sort code into a securely encrypted payment wizard. Afterwards, the customer enters his/her online banking login details and confirms the credit transfer by entering a confirmation code.

Your benefit: You will receive a real-time transaction confirmation that a transfer has been listed.

  • Attractive

Cost savings through low fees

Low storage costs thanks to short processing times

  • Easy

Convenient for your customers as they can use their online banking login details

No eWallet and thus no addition registration required

Automated and transparent processes

Your customer remains your customer – and remains on your website

  • Fast

Direct and binding payment

Immediate real-time transaction confirmation after the transfer has been listed

Faster than advanced payment (by bank transfer)

Fast cash flow, high liquidity

  • Secure

Double protection qualified by online banking login details and confirmation codes

High security thanks to a multi-level online banking authentication procedure and the unique use of the confirmation codes


  • added using j2.5 styles in vm config instead of templates, fixes problems with frameworks like gantry
  • Payment amount condition includes shipment and coupon :
  • the search module can now have its' own itemId
  • Payment methods, Reverse Calculation added
  • Important avatax fix, coupon and discount on bill is now correctly transmitted
  • TriggerContentPlugin for manufacturer, TOS
  • SEO, added some rel="nofollow" to special links like show cart, ask a question, etc
  • fixed problem with category view if manufacturer was selected before
  • currencyId fix:
  • fixed that deleting a product, did delete wrong customfields in some cases
  • fixed deletion of related categories, if a category is deleted
  • fixed filter uword for php without setting for mb_
  • Fixed stock control issue preventing people adding other children to cart once exhausted stock of one child type
  • Fixed editor customfields so that they are editors (not just textareas) after they've been saved
  • in some layouts there was a problem with a slightly wrong table in edit address
  • Plugins: Order amount condition accepts ","
  • Fixes for coupon, when the quantity is changed.
  • added default vmsafe path if not set to administrator/components/com_virtuemart/vmfiles
  • added note in vm config if caching is active (hint to disable it)
  • and some other small minors

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