Quick Gallery

Views: 923 Added Date: 05 December 2013 Cecil Gupta Like
Joomla Extension: Quick Gallery

CMS: Joomla Version: 3.0 Type: plugin Extension Topic: Galleries

Future Ready - Now supports Joomla 3.0 as well

Quick Gallery is the easiest and quickest photo solution for Joomla CMS. You can set up your cool looking photo presentation in no time. Its a plugin which is quickly installed and can be used in your Joomla article or even in a module. Your photos are fetched from any web folder, and the plugin arranges them into a neat gallery. It is a very featureful gallery with numerous designs and functionality. This would truly cover most possible slideshow or photo gallery design, and if it doesn't you can ask us for a modification and we may configure it for you too. Here are some of the features of Quick Gallery:

Easy Setup and configure
Setting up your photo gallery with QuickGallery is very easy.
It can be as easy as these few steps:

1. Install the plugin and activate it from the plugin manager
2. Select your simple customisable settings from the plugin parameters in the same plugin manager window
3. Upload your images in a folder location (e.g "images/slides"). It supports JPG or PNG formats.
4. Place the plugin embed code in your article or module HTML code. That's all, enjoy!

Many Themes included
There are 6 selectable themes which can be configured to look different to suit your Joomla site's look and taste. These themes cover the basic framework for any design possible and you can achieve most designs with them. The code is very standards compliant and you can customize it even more with CSS styles. You may also choose to autoplay the gallery as a slideshow (or not when needed).

Dozens of Effects
There are 6 selectable themes which can be configured to look different to suit your Joomla site's look and taste. These themes cover the basic framework for any design possible and you can achieve most designs with them. The code is very standards compliant and you can customize it even more with CSS styles. You may also choose to autoplay the gallery as a slideshow (or not when needed).

With more than 25 transition effects Quick Gallery is useful for making any taste of photo gallery, be it an artistic photographers collection, or a corporate website. You can customize your effects by choosing the easing you want, the transition time, and the effect synchronization. These are easily switchable and easy to understand for newbies or expert developers.

Style Overriding
You may want different galleries to have different styling on different pages. Quick Gallery allows for just that by use of override codes. You can easily specify what settings you want for your specified gallery, and it will use them instead of global parameters.
Anything that you don't specified is logically fetched from stored plugin parameters.

Image Caching and resizing
You may want different galleries to have different styling on different pages. Quick Gallery allows for just that by use of override codes. You can easily specify what settings you want for your specified gallery, and it will use them

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