Contact Enhanced Component

Views: 1397 Added Date: 05 December 2013 Douglas Machado Like
Joomla Extension: Contact Enhanced Component

CMS: Joomla Version: 3.0 Type: component Extension Topic: Contact Details

Contacts Enhanced is a contact component created to replace Joomla! core contacts component and add lots of advantages and new features (see list below) and it offers many plugins and modules for several different purposes, see package comparison below.

Special Features:

  • GOOGLE MAPS and Directions
  • HTML Emails & Templates
  • CAPTCHA (reCaptcha & SecurImage)
  • MULTIPLE File upload
  • Newsletter integrations: Campaign Monitor, MailChimp, AcyMailing
  • Google Docs Spreadsheet integration;
  • Embed the form into articles
  • With FULL Version you can also use modules and other plugins;
  • Compatible with MSSQL;

Contacts Enhanced is a contact component based on Joomla Core contacts component with a few advantages:

  •  Custom Fields: Now you can have as many custom fields as you wish. You can request whichever information you need from the users that contact you; Available field types: Text, Multitext(textarea), SelectList, Checkbox, Radiobutton, Date, Date Range, Number, Number Range, Multiple Files (ATTACHMENTS), SQL* ;
  •  Captcha Image to prevent robots to fill the forms, in other words, to ensure that the response is not generated by a computer, available captcha engines: ReCAPTCHA, SecurImage, MathGuard;
  •  Google Maps integration: Now you can easily add a map to the contact page;
  •  If the user is logged in this script will get the name and email recorded in database, preventing the user to mistype his email
  •  It will get your users IP Address, Browser, Operating System and Screen resolution
  •  It uses MooTools (Joomla's default Javascript Library) to validate the form;
  •  It is also Safer and more reliable
  •  You can set each form to redirect to a specific page when the message is successfully sent
  •  Integration with Newsletter system Campaign Monitor, MailChimp and AcyMailing;
  •  Feedback plugin;


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