CW Multicategories

Views: 3613 Added Date: 06 December 2013 CW Multicategories Like
Joomla Extension: CW Multicategories

CMS: Joomla Version: 3.0 Type: component Extension Topic: Admin Desk

With this extension you can do a fully working implementation of Redsys/Sermepa payment gateway system 'virtual POS' (TPV Virtual in spanish) with VirtueMart electronic store Joomla! component.

Redsys/Sermepa is a very common POS in Spain and its used by several banks. Caixabank, Banco Sabadell and many others have been tested as well.

Languages: English, Spanish, German, Catalan, Basque and Galician.

Our plugin (payment system) update the status order using the output on the payment system (TPV) and keep all data to show you inb the back-end.

A new feature in our new version is that you can do a redirection directly to the bank page and it is not necesary to do click over the image. You can select this option in the plugin manager.

INSTALL INSTRUCCIONS: Joomla 2.5 and Joomla 1.5 and Virtuemart 2.0

You have to unzip the file, you will see two files: '' and ''.

  •  Install both using the general Joomla installer (important: you have to publish the plug-in 'VM - Payment, Redsýs' in the Plugin Manager.
  •  After that go to VirtueMart > Payment Systems > and create a new one. Use a name and a description and select in the menu 'VMPAYMENT_REDSYS' and do click 'Save'
  •  To finish the installation you have to edit the configuration tab and insert your private payment system (TPV) data. Click 'Apply'.
  •  If you want to change the secret key pass you can read the manual.

Banks using Sermepa/Redsys:

Banco Santander, S.A.
Banco Popular Español, S.A.
Banco de Sabadell
Catalunya Banc, S.A.
Banco Español de Crédito, S.A.
Banco Mare Nostrum, S.A.
Caja España de Inversiones, Salamanca y Soria, Caja de Ahorros y Monte de Piedad
Caja Laboral Euskadiko Kutxa
Cajamar Caja Rural
Unnim Banc
Banca March, S.A.
Banco Pastor, S.A.
Barclays Bank
Lloyds Bank International, S.A.U.
Caja Rural del Mediterráneo, Ruralcaja
Deutsche Bank, S.A.E.
And more...

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download link?

20 January 05:59


no download link?

07 October 07:34

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