
Views: 2082 Added Date: 06 December 2013 MCTrading Like
Joomla Extension: Article-Generator

CMS: Joomla Version: 3.0 Type: component Extension Topic: Admin Desk

This native Joomla 1.5, 2.5 and 3.2 component automatically generates new articles with own keywords by pulling text from any feed-source you want. It gives you the ability to set many different configurations for each feed-source. It keeps you’re site fresh and gives you’re visitors something to read and you have nothing to do. All is done by an cronjob - every 5 minutes, if you wish. It filters the feed-sources by keywords, generates a new article which automatically has own keywords, removes links, link-texts or images - if you want, adds advertising which you can change at any time you want, integrates the original article with an lightbox-effect and refreshes your own website-feed. There are many options to make it possible with every feed-source you want. The new articles improve your page SEO and make your site win positions in the search engines. Article-Generator is fully configurable and each feed-source can be configured with different parameters.

With these many options each article can be customized to your website and content and the new articles are added to your website just as if you wrote them yourself:

  • get fulltext from all feeds
  • post as different user
  • choose section and category
  • store original Author name in the article
  • choose access group for the article
  • show on frontpage
  • expiration for the article from 7 days to 1 year (in predefined steps)
  • auto-unpublish
  • posting of original date
  • set Feed-Date as created date
  • insert advertising-field which you can change later for all written articles
  • filter feed-source by keywords / negative keywords (to ignore posts)
  • cut the article at any tag
  • full text fetch on feeds that support it
  • show intro with advert and no readmore
  • show intro and then advert in readmore
  • show intro and then fulltext with advert in readmore
  • show intro in readmore or not
  • Links inside the feed content are set with nofollow to improve SEO
  • delete links or links and link-texts in intro or fulltext
  • delete links from images in the feed content
  • delete images in intro or fulltext
  • switch Feed-Intro and Feed-Fulltext
  • include link to original-article
  • open original-article-link in Lightbox, Slimbox, Shadowbox or Squeezebox
  • set JCE params like width and height
  • use curl or fsockopen
  • posting without repeating an article by checking the title
  • Duplicate avoidance which is very useful for SEO purposes
  • choose number of SEO-Keywords for the new article
  • choose minimum length of SEO-Keywords for the new article
  • blacklist of SEO-Keywords for the new article
  • activate cronjob on the server or on to generate articles around the clock


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