RSTickets!Pro - Joomla!® HelpDesk Ticketing System

Views: 1547 Added Date: 19 March 2015 RSJoomla! Like
Joomla Extension: RSTickets!Pro - Joomla!® HelpDesk Ticketing System

CMS: Joomla Version: 3.2 Type: component Extension Topic: Sales quote

RSTickets!Pro - Joomla! Ticketing System


Following the great success of RSTickets!, the second generation of our Joomla! help desk ticketing system is here: RSTickets!Pro. The Web is a dynamic place, things change rapidly, communities grow faster and larger, thus the needs of your customers and your business require constant attention. RSTickets!Pro makes it all easy for you.

A help desk ticketing system will allow you to provide prompt and efficient support to your clients. RSTickets!Pro comes by default with a integrated knowledge base system, thus allowing staff members to decrease response time and improve efficiency.

You asked, we have delivered: RSTickets!Pro has the possibility to extends its functionality with a reporting capability, improving the quality of your service even more. Furthermore, the Cron plugin (transforms a email into a support ticket) has evolved a attachment option.

We have a long experience with offering a support service. We have combined this experience along our Joomla! knowledge to offer a complete help desk ticketing solution. We take pride in each and every component or plugin that we develop: built by support staff for support staff.

RSTickets!Pro Features


  • Joomla! 2.5
  • Joomla! 3.x


  • Date and time mask
  • WYSIWYG editor
  • Global message
  • Submit message
  • Customer permissions
  • Avatar importer
  • Captcha
  • Ticket auto-close configuration
  • Import from RSTickets!


  • Submit tickets without being registered
  • Manage submitted tickets in the frontend
  • Close or update status of ticket
  • Optional email ticket submission (Cron) with attachment capabilities

Support tickets

  • Bootstrap layout
  • Frontend and backend ticketing management
  • Three types of ticket viewing layouts: Plain, Tabbed and Accordion
  • Department structure
  • Custom department fields
  • Ability to add custom fields like: Textbox, Textarea, Select List, Multi-select List, Checkbox, Radio
  • Make custom fields required or optional
  • Configurable department prefix
  • Manual and automatic (load balanced) ticket assignment for each department
  • Configurable staff and customer email notifications
  • Ticket attachment with filtering capabilities
  • Configurable priority list
  • Configurable ticket status list
  • Bulk ticket management/notification
  • Optional ticket reporting tool with filtering capabilities


  • Ability to create staff groups with multiple permissions related to ticket activity
  • Assign Joomla! users to different groups of permissions, and in different departments
  • Assign a Joomla! user to more than one department
  • Staff internal ticket notes with configurable note management
  • Submitting, Replying, Viewing and updating restrictions


  • New ticket message
  • Added into department email
  • New reply added configurable email for both user and staff member
  • Auto-assignment email
  • New user message
  • Auto-close status message
  • Ticket rejection email

Knowledge base

  • Knowledge base structured under categories
  • Ajax knowledge base search


..and the list does not end here. For a more elaborate description of RSTickets!Pro's features please refer to the Getting started section.

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