testimoniales list new

Views: 860 Added Date: 28 February 2018 joomla_Pro Like

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testimoniales list new extension use for testimoniales website joomla, this extension are perfectly for all device resolutions like mobiles, tablets and all the browser, you can easy edit images, titles, text descriptions

we will create slideshow auto loading images with team members display, with the possibility to add an image, a name, job title and biography for each member.

We’ll also add the possibility to navigate with action next or previous button..

List of features:

          -Use with Joomla 2.5 and 3.x

          -Browser Compatible : Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome and Safari,IE9+

          -Support create multiple modules on one page.

          -Easy to change size include wight,height of module 

          -Many team member can be displayed with description in module 

          -Use Use to next or previous slider images in module 

          -Use Create an unlimited number of team member in module 

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