Views: 1393 Added Date: 18 July 2018 joomdev Like
Joomla Extension: JD PopX

CMS: Joomla Version: 1.0 Type: component Extension Topic: Automatic translations Unique tags: Email marketing Joomla Extension Joomla extension

JD PopX is email marketing Joomla extension. An awesome and user-friendly Joomla extension which helps you to get leads effectively without any complexity. It helps you to convert your one time visitors into permanent loyal customers.
A range of features in this extension makes it irresistible to all marketers, bloggers, lead generators and growth hackers.


  • AcyMailing Compatible
  • Fully Responsive
  • Multiple Opt-ins types
  • Playful and Bold Design
  • Appealing Design Template
  • Timed Emergence
  • Easy to Customize
  • Include Unique Effect

v1.2: 11-July-2018

Designed improvements


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