Flex Content

Views: 715 Added Date: 04 February 2009 Edit Like
Joomla Extension: Flex Content

CMS: Joomla Version:  Type: component Extension Topic: 

Flex Content+ Description There was a requirement for a way to display a list of items in the Frontend in the style we wanted to choose and which could also be easily changed. Therefore the following components were created: FLEXCONTENT contains the items structured in categories which contain the content you want to display in the Frontend. These could be News Items or Articles or any structured content you want to display. FLEXCONTENT LAYOUT defines the Layout for this items. You assign each Flex ContentItem with a Layout Item. Therefore you are extremly flexible !!! just what I needed :-) What you need to do is think of a page (a list of items) and how this page should look like. First you need to define the Layout, so the HTML Frame which defines how you want to display your items. You do this by using the Flex Content Layout. 1) Basically you define an "empty" page with markers (e.g. @@flextext_1@@) , which will be replaced during runtime, with the content you have assigned to this Layout Template 2) Next you need to create the category and Items you want to display in the frontend and you need to assign the Layout which you want to use for this item. 3) Then you create a menu and select the Component option. In the next screen you need to select Flex Content and on the next screen you need to define the parameters catid=the id of the category which stores your FlexContent items optionally you can define page_title=1 for showing it and 0 for not displaying it Example We needed to display adverts on a simple list page. Since the page should look nice we wanted to show a logo on the left side and every other had a logo on the right side. Sample Data We included a Sample into the installation. It creates exactly what is described above. All you need to do is create a menu with the FlexContent+ Component and set catid=98 as the Parameter Enjoy !!! ********* Change Log ********* 28.11.2007 [modified by GIGtech] -Improved Internal Functionality -Added Click Monitoring Column and Functionality -Added Frontend URL Link Shortcut -Added Image Shorthand URL 17.04.2007 [modified by GIGtech] -Added FOUR Text fields -Added TWO Long Description fields -Menu Item Component Parameter for Category Style -Menu Item Component Parameter for Item Ordering 18.07.2006 -Popup Image -File Browser added (requires Joomlaxplorer) -Image Browser added 17.05.2006 -2 FlexText attributes -1 Image Attribute -2 URLs -Detaillink -1 Image with Link -1 File -2 Long Description fields ********* Change Log ********* Contact Please contact us joomla@gigtech.co.za and tell us what you think of it.

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