
Views: 1401 Added Date: 10 April 2024 Joomla-Monster Like
Joomla Extension: DJ-AutoLogIn

CMS: Joomla Version: 4.0 Type: plugin Extension Topic: Admin Desk Unique tags: plugin login registration user plugin Joomla5

Free Plugin for Automatic Joomla log in.

Enhance user experiences on your website effortlessly. This complimentary plugin streamlines the login process by automatically logging in users upon registration. Bid farewell to complex login procedures and seamlessly welcome users to your platform as soon as they sign up with DJ-AutoLogIn.

Usually, despite the registration confirmation, users still need to enter the username and password to log in.

With DJ-AutoLogIn, you can say goodbye to cumbersome login procedures and welcome users seamlessly into your platform from the moment they sign up.

DJ-AutoLogIn is a free Joomla plugin purposed for Logging in users automatically after registration. All you have to do is install and enable the plugin - it does not require any configuration.It also does not contains any settings/configuration options.

The plugin will work only if the Joomla Users 'New User Account Activation' parameter is set to 'None'.

This free Joomla plugin works with Joomla 3.x, Joomla 4.x and Joomla 5. It's our another free release purposed for improving the user experience in Joomla 5. DJ-AutoLogIn is available for a free, immediate download but it required the user registration at DJ-Extensions website.

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