Joomla Extensions
function doBlink() { var blink = document.getElementById('blink'); = == '' ? 'hidden' : ''; } function startBlink() { setInterval('doBlink()', 500); } window.onload = startBl...
FCKeditor 2.6.2 for Joomla 1.5 -
Displays media (images, flash, youtube, quicktime etc.) in a customizable inline popup. Inlcudes a tooltip function and a png fix option for IE. CREDITS: Based on... Slimbox - Thickbox 2.0 - Cody...
Adds a button to JCE editor which inserts {bible} tags replaced by the Scripture Links Content Bot with links to scripture verses and audio links as well. This plugin requires Scripture Links Content Plugin at http://www...
DESCRIPTION: This plugin add button for insert content visible only to registered users into your articles. HOW TO INSTALL: * Install first HIDER plugin * Install Readmore 3 * Activate HIDER and Readmore3 * Add .button2-...
This button adds the macro to a piece of content for the Fireboard Discussbot to link to the forum. The macro requires OjbectClarity's Discussbot be installed....
Using XAVideoButton makes possible to easy access various files (YouTube, MetaCafe, MySpace, Yahoo Video, Vimeo, DailyMotion, .flv, .mp4). You can preview files, do some adjustments (full screen, auto start ...), unlimit...
Insert HTML editor button allows users to paste arbitrary HTML code into current selection. This is especially useful when you get a piece of code like Paypal buttons or Google Adsense to insert into your page.Instructio...
Link Article plugin allows you to insert links to the articles existing in the system from an any article. It benefits from the core Joomla! article listing screen so while choosing destination articles you have filterin...
Who doesn't know those nice editors-xtd Mambots/Plugins floating around im Joomla! extension directory. There comes a time when your editor gets really clustered if you have a lot of them. So we thought we just make ONE ...
Modified version of the Joomla 1.5 Code Highlighter. Allows for an alternate tag for use in content markup....
Joomler! SyntaxHighlighter - version 1.0.0 License : GNU/GPL About SyntaxHighlighter Javascript Project Home : Project owners : alex.gorbat...
This plugin allows you to include code listing from external files into your content items, with syntax highlighting and line numbers. To see examples of using this plugin, please refer to:
Checks whether user account has expired and if so, downgrades or blocks the user. NOTE: If using this on Joomla 1.5, please ensure it is ordered AFTER the Legacy plugin on the plugin list....
A complete subscription management system. By Helder Garcia (hlbog), David Deutsch (skOre) and the team of AEC at
A complete subscription management system. By Helder Garcia (hlbog), David Deutsch (skOre) and the team of AEC at
A complete subscription management system. By Helder Garcia (hlbog), David Deutsch (skOre) and the team of AEC at
A complete subscription management system. By Helder Garcia (hlbog), David Deutsch (skOre) and the team of AEC at
Thank you for using the Amplify moo news ticker on your site. For support and other goodies, please visit ....
Thank You for installing ClickandPledge Buttons Module. Please make sure you have installed ClickandPledge Component also to make this Module work fully....
Thank You for installing ClickandPledge Buttons Component. Please make sure you have installed ClickandPledge Module also to make this Component work fully....
Thank you for installing the Advanced PayPal Donations Module for Joomla 1.5x Please remember to vote at
smooth donation , let your visitors buy you a coffee, a burger or what ever you like. based on CNETcarousel by Aaron Newton. if you want to ad your own images, upload them into folder modules/mod_smooth_donate/img ....
Donate request. Usage {donaterequest} or {donaterequest-n} if you don't want to show the Donate Request Text...
MH2 Treasury Module v2.0 This module requires the MH2 Treasury component. All options for display are set in the component!...
MH2 Treasury v2.0 This version of the MH2 Treasury breaks the mold of web site donations. No longer are you restricted to just accepting a standard donation; now you have the ability to configure the goals for specific t...
ULTIMATE Paypal Donations Module. Enables easy implementation of Paypal Donations Button on your website. Please visit for more extensions! We appreciate your comments on our site....
AG My Auctions Module for Ebay. Allows you to show your Ebay Auctions in a Module...