Joomla Extensions - Education & Culture
Example: if you want the article discussed in Forum with catid 26, the Bot should look like: {mos_fb_discuss:26} This seems a bit difficult, but it does allow you to have each Content Item to be discussed in a matching f...
Usage: {currentdatetime}Today is %DAY% the %dd%%daysuffix% of %MONTH%, %yyyy% %gmt%. The Time is %12HH%:%min%%ampm% (12-Hour) or %24HH%%min% (24-Hour){/currentdatetime}...
TCDateToday displays date today text. Day and month can be customized to fit your language. The date format can be set as fit your requirement. Rules: %day% means day, %dd% means day number, %m% means month (01-12), %mm%...
Shows todays Jewish date. Also converts a Gregorian date to the Jewish one and shows the Jewish holiday on that day. The jewish holiday has a tooltip with a SHORT explanation of the holiday and is also linked to the Wiki...
Thanks for choosing Calendar Icon. If your language is not fully supported, mail me:
This module shows the current time and date.Be sure to configure the module parameters to your liking.Tip: You can use html too! For example:   entered in a text box or as a separator will become a space. Information...