Advanced Sphinx Search Pro

Views: 1154 Added Date: 09 December 2013 mirasvit Like
Magento Extension: Advanced Sphinx Search Pro

CMS: Magento Version: 1.7 Type: component Extension Topic: Site Search

Advanced Sphinx Search Pro replaces default search with the Sphinx-powered search. So search works faster and search results are much more relevant. Using a Sphinx search engine increases conversion of visitors who look up the product on the website by more than 50%!

Product search connects your products to the shoppers searching for them, helping you drive sales to your store. On average, 15% of visitors use the search. These are the visitors who know what they want and are looking for it to buy. These visitors make a half of your revenue. That is why the quality and speed of product search significantly affects the sales. All these tasks are performed by Magento Advanced Search extension.

Advanced Sphinx Search Pro can significantly improve the speed and quality of search results. This Magento search module replaces the standard search of Magento by search of enterprise level provided by Sphinx.
How does it work?

Sphinx search engine indexes the database products of Magento store and gathers the necessary information for searching to a special data storage. When a user makes a search in the online store, our Magento Advanced Search module refers with the search query to the Sphinx to obtain search results and displays them to a user. Everything happens very quickly.

Main Features

  •     Significantly improved search relevance (quality)
  •     Google-like search syntax
  •     Product attributes weighting
  •     Supports morphological word forms dictionaries (like Solr or Lucene search engine)
  •     Supports stemming (English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Romanian, German, Dutch, Russian, Swedish and Czech are available for Sphinx)
  •     Built-in dictionary of synonyms (60730 words)
  •     Built-in dictionary of stopwords (665 words)
  •     Search products by tags
  •     Search products by category names
  •     Search products by associated products attributes (skus, name, model etc)
  •     "Long tail" search strategy
  •     Search Landing Pages
  •     High Indexing speed
  •     High Searching speed of over 500 queries/sec against 1,000,000 skus

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