
Views: 450 Added Date: 13 April 2017 James Like
Magento Extension: Affiliate

CMS: Magento Version: 1.9 Type: extension Extension Topic: Affiliate Systems

This Magento Affiliate extension is one of the most powerful ways to market your products online. With this affiliate marketing program, you can gain increased traffic and sales, generate qualified leads, extend your brand awareness and get better search engine rankings.

Key features

Admin can:

  • Create unlimited rule-based affiliate campaigns with flexible conditions

magento affiliate extension

  • Manage affiliate accounts with ease

magento affiliate

  • Payouts management

affiliate extension

  • Track complete history of paid commissions

magento affiliate program

  • Manage withdrawals request

affiliate marketing program

  • Set holding period for commission

best affiliate program

  • Have an introduction page to affiliate program which can control by cms static block

best affiliate marketing program

Affiliate can:

  • Register affiliate account

magento extension

  • Have additional tab in account dashboard to manage affiliates

magento affiliate magenest

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