Magento 2 Call For Price

Views: 683 Added Date: 20 September 2017 MageComp Like
Magento Extension: Magento 2 Call For Price

CMS: Magento Version: 2.1 Type: extension Extension Topic: e-Commerce Integrations Unique tags: Magento 2 Call For Price Magento 2 Hide Product Magento 2 Price Extension

Sometimes a store owner sells multiple products and services with fluctuated prices or of which prices are based on requirements or custom needs, prices require phone verification, prices vary based on quantity etc. This require to hide prices and encourage customers to contact admin with detailed requirement specifications. Magento 2 Call For Price by MageComp provides you the facility to hide product prices and replace add to cart button with call for price or any custom text of your choice. This drives customers to ask for prices and builds one to one communication for price negotiation and finalization.

Why choose Magecomp’s Magneto 2 Call For Price extension:

1.       You can use call for price for various types of products, some of them are:

·         products with fluctuated prices

·         requirement based product

·         service products

·         to offer discounts on bulk purchase

·         products with undefined prices

2.       Option to hide product prices for:

a.       All products

b.       Specific categories

c.       Specific products

3.       Hide product prices and add to cart button on:

a.       Home page

b.       Category page

c.       Product detail page

4.       Change button text of call for price based on your store products and requirements.

5.       Custom call for price form title.

6.       Option to enable call for price based on selected customer groups.

7.       Supports all default Magento product types.

8.       Support for multi store and multi-language.

9.       Specify email ID of admin to get call for price requests from customers.

10.   Click of call for price button opens up responsive form for customers to fill required details and ask for quote.

11.   Auto reply to customers immediately after they request for quotes.


12.   Customers’ inquiries in a separate grid in admin panel along with details like customer name, Email ID, product for which contacted, contact number and detailed message.

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