Magento WhatsApp Contact

Views: 1055 Added Date: 04 October 2017 MageComp Like
Magento Extension: Magento WhatsApp Contact

CMS: Magento Version: 2.1 Type: extension Extension Topic: e-Commerce Integrations Unique tags: Magento WhatsApp Contact Magento WhatsApp WhatsApp Contact

Before buying any product, it's normal that customers have questions regarding product/service or need a support for a product they bought. Generally, customers always prefer to have an immediate response from seller or store owners. Latest research says that WhatsApp is one of the widely used messaging app with more than one million active users so what else better way to connect with Customers! To make this communication easier, MageComp Has Come up with Magento WhatsApp Contact extension that lets the customers get in touch with one button click. It also comes with various customizations facility which is proven way to boost trust among customers.

Why choose MageComp’s Magento WhatsApp Contact:

·         You can enable/disable WhatsApp Contact button from store backend.

·         Choice to display contact button only in mobile devices.

·         Various Contact customization options like color, Size and Animations.

·         Option to Set Custom Position for Contact button according to your requirement.

·         You can change default WhatsApp Number and default push text from admin backend.


·         Supports all browser.

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