Sometimes it happens when a brief product descriptions and a dozen of images are not enough to better explain and understand features and functionality of a product. In such cases, admin needs to provide additional user guide, document, images, screenshots and presentation as well. Default Magento lacks the feature of allowing file upload from backend, at this time, all you need is Magento File Upload extension by MageComp. The extension allows admin to upload PPT, PDF, word, MP3, JPG, PNG and many more file types from backend for users to download from frontend. Why choose Magecomp’s Magento File Upload extension: 1. Option to show downloads counter on frontend for users to encourage clicking to download. 2. Admin can set login option mandatory to allow downloads. 3. Admin can create category for store views and categories files uploads. 4. Admin can set download label and description related to the file on frontend to show users. 5. Enable and allow file upload for product detail page or any CMS page. 6. Set title, parent category, store view, customers groups for a file while creating a file upoad. 7. Admin can limit downloads of a particular file from backend. 8. Option to select numbers of CMS pages from the list of a particular uploaded file. 9. An uploaded file can be assigned to multiple products selected from backend while creating file upload. 10. Supports following file types to upload from backend: a. Word Documents – doc, docx, vsd, pdf, rtf, txt b. Excel Spreadsheets - xls c. Powerpoint presentation files – ppt, pptx, pps, pot d. XML files – htm, html, xml e. Database files – mdb f. image files – psd, jpg, jpeg, jpe, gif, bmp, png, tif, tiff g. Audio files – mp3, wma, mid, midi, rmi, au, snd h. Video files – mpeg, mpg, mpe, wmv, avi i. Archieves – zip, rar, cab, gz, tar j. Open office files – sdw, sda, sdc, sdd, sdp k. Other files – js, dll, php, ps, dvi, swf, chm Related Articles |
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