photo album software

Views: 609 Added Date: 08 March 2018 Pratik Shah Like
Magento Extension: photo album software

CMS: Magento Version: 1.6 Type: extension Extension Topic: Automatic translations Unique tags: Photo Album Design Tool online photo album maker personalised photo album

With social media and selfie culture, the Photo Albums may seem an outdated concept. However, for the internet savvy users, an online Photo Album shop is not too modern either. While we are the cross-roads of both the worlds, it is critical to have a Photo Album Design Tool for online print shops offering photographs processing services. Brush Your Ideas Photo Album Design Tool is a feature rich extension to take your Photo Print Shop online. It enables your website to help buyers customize their Photo Albums as per their wish and order prints online.


Brush Your Ideas Photo Album Design Tool offer wide range of product customization features well-suited for image processing. Users can upload photos from storage as well as social media using our designer tool. Our layer & object management features enable customers to place the images in specific order and customize layouts as per the theme set by admin or create their own. Absolutely easy! Peach, isn’t it? Explore the features galore and upgrade your business to go online.

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