Facebook & Twitter Integration Magento 2 Extension

Views: 560 Added Date: 30 May 2018 Solwin Infotech Like
Magento Extension: Facebook & Twitter Integration Magento 2 Extension

CMS: Magento Version: 2.1 Type: extension Extension Topic: Social Media Unique tags: F a


Facebook & Twitter Integration Magento 2 Extension provides integration of social media like Facebook and Twitter to your website. It can configure options like width, height, enable facebook post, show/hide cover photo, show friend faces, and Twitter provides No.of tweets, Follow us on twitter link, enable twitter block at any place.



  • Enable/Disable Social Block
  • Rich Configuration
  • No. of Tweets
  • CMS Page
  • Sidebar Integration
  • Recent Update

Download Here: Facebook & Twitter Integration Magento 2 Extension


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