Shop by Brand Magento 2 Extension

Views: 512 Added Date: 17 July 2019 Magedelight Like
Magento Extension: Shop by Brand Magento 2 Extension

99.00 USD

Get MageDelight Shop by Brand Magento 2 Extension and improve your eCommerce store customer attention, navigation, and user experience. Using this brand module, admin can create custom and unique brand or manufacturer pages and assign specific products to a specific brand. Moreover, you can create a brand listing page as well as separate brand pages drop-down and add to the website navigation menu. Customers can easily find the brand they love and purchase quickly. 


  • Better Website Navigation
  • Responsive and SEO-friendly Brand Pages
  • Sort or Filter Brand with Different Options
  • Easily Import/Export Brand Value, Attributes using CSV
  • Sync All Brand Attributes in Single Click
  • Quick Configuration & Support

If you are interested to know more, please visit the website!

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