Magento 2 Extra Fee Extension - Add Additional Charges to Order

Views: 664 Added Date: 04 October 2019 Edit Like
Magento Extension: Magento 2 Extra Fee Extension - Add Additional Charges to Order

149.00 USD

CMS: Magento Version: 2.2 Type: extension Extension Topic: Shopping Cart Unique tags: extra fee additional fees at checkout magento 2 extra fee extension add extra charge to product ecommerce shipping

Create an extra fee for any additional service you offer and display them to the checkout page with Extra Fee Extension for Magento 2. Boost your average order values by offering supplementary services to your users!


  • Create unlimited Extra Fee Rules
  • Advanced option for global price calculation
  • Set up Additional Fee Calculation Criteria
  • Show Extra Charge at Cart & Checkout Page

For more functionality and benefits, visit the website!

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