
Views: 1217 Added Date: 11 December 2013 privatemtx Like
Opencart Extension: RollOver

CMS: OpenCart Version: 1.5.1 Type: extension Extension Topic: Images

An image says more than a thousand words.

This addon makes your site more dynamic, by animating every image in every product list (Category, Featured, Special, Latest, BestSellers) and the main picture in product's page. On mouse over a new image will be displayed which can be set for every product.

In Admin area in Product, a new fiels will be created under Image, called RollOver Image and in this field where you can set a rollover image for each product.

VQMOD required. No files or data will be overridden,

UPDATE: RollOver (Turn around) Image is now compatible with 1.5.2 + and even with most custom themes (it isn't compatible with shoppica theme).

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