DMU Quick Admin of your product database

Views: 2030 Added Date: 16 December 2013 Dream Me Up Like
Prestashop Extension: DMU Quick Admin of your product database

CMS: Prestashop Version: 1.4.1 Type: module Extension Topic: Database Management


Quickly administrate your product database !

Make all your changes for products in a unique interface with a few clicks !

Merchant Benefits

Save a lot of time!

With a single interface, fully ajax (no page reload), you can search for your products on many criteria, but also manage in real time a large number of attributes.

You'll save time:

- Updating your prices and your inventory
- Optimizing your SEO
- NEW! To combine your images to your variations

And all other criteria described below carn be modified !


Possibility to choose which columns to display and the order for clarity.

Search products by:

  •  Categories
  •  Manufacturer
  •  Supplier
  •  Attributes
  •  Features
  •  On, pack, on sale, in stock, with or without image

Edition 1 click:

  •  Reference
  •  Supplier reference and supplier
  •  Name, summary, description
  •  Manufacturer
  •  Default Category
  •  Price
  •  Stock (creating movement)
  •  Enable / Disable
  •  Variations: price, reference weight, association of images
  •  EAN 13, location, weight
  •  Purchase price, sale HT, VAT, Eco participation
  •  SEO: title, description, keywords and URLs easier.

Almost all products fields are manageable, test in the demonstration area.

login :
Password : demo@PrestaDMU

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