Discount campaigns

Views: 1101 Added Date: 16 December 2013 Dream Me Up Like
Prestashop Extension: Discount campaigns

CMS: Prestashop Version: 1.4.1 Type: module Extension Topic: Admin Navigation


Manage your sales and promotions in advance!

You can create multiple campaigns of promotions in advance by setting dates and time of start and end.

Merchant Benefits

Save time!

In a single interface, fully ajax (without reloading the page), you can assign the reductions in mass for whole category.


  •     Creation of promotional campaigns in advance from date to date
  •     Ability to change the dates of a campaign at any time
  •     Display and filter products by category, product name and reference
  •     Assign reduction in amount or percentage to a product selection with preview of the discount.
  •     May choose to display selected products "on sale"

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Password : demo@PrestaDMU

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