FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) for Prestashop

Views: 1235 Added Date: 24 February 2015 webdev Like
Prestashop Extension: FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) for Prestashop

CMS: Prestashop Version: 1.6 Type: module Extension Topic: FAQ

FAQ allows you to provide the users with a well-designed and informative FAQ section, which can significantly decrease the amount of user inquiries on various issues. The FAQ module is highly customizable and is one of the best FAQ tools that can be found in Prestashop module directory. FAQs usually contain a large amount of questions/answers on various topics. When the number of questions is big enough, it is necessary to organize them for the easier navigation and user-friendliness

Reviews (1):


Nice Module!

Thanks You.
Best Regards.

21 April 01:57

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