Easy Google Fonts

Views: 780 Added Date: 26 October 2018 bonpresta Like
Prestashop Extension: Easy Google Fonts

CMS: Prestashop Version: 1.7 Type: module Extension Topic: Content infos Unique tags: Google Fonts

Short Description

A simple and easy way to add custom Google fonts to theme without coding. It’s compatible with any theme.


Benefits for Merchants

Ability to select any available Google web font in the theme administration pages, and have those fonts displayed in your theme. One way to dramatically improve the design and professionalism of your website is to use great fonts. You can easily choose one font for headings and another for your content.
You can add Google fonts for specific elements like Headings (H1, H2…H6), Paragraphs (p) links (a), etc on your site.




  • Super easy install and customize.
  • Simple and friendly user interface.
  • Select Google fonts for front office.
  • Select Google fonts for headings (H1, H2…H6).
  • Select Google fonts for paragraphs (p).
  • Select Google fonts for links (p).
  • Select Google fonts for administration pages.
  • Compatible with all web browsers.
  • Multi-language and multi-store ready.
  • Support and well documented.



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