PrestaShop Custom HTML in Head Tags on Selected Pages

Views: 1797 Added Date: 15 May 2021 shahab Like
Prestashop Extension: PrestaShop Custom HTML in Head Tags on Selected Pages

30.00 USD

CMS: Prestashop Version: 1.1 Type: module Extension Topic: Analytics Unique tags: prestashop seo custom tags css javascript online chat heatmap

The module allows to add custom css,html,tags,javascript code on selected pages.It helps to add different tags related seo ,design and different software integration on head tag.

We can add seo website verification,open graph,twitter card,schema markup,geolocation tags and other useful tags without editing tpl files.

It helps to add html related design css,custom javascript code from different services like visitors video recording , heatmap and analysis software integration hotjar,fullstory, humcommerce etc.

It helps to add html for different online chat software integration like Zendesk ,Zoho chats.

Features :

- Flexibility and ease of use.
- Supports multiple browsers, operating systems and platform.
- Light weight for on pages and fast loading.
- Easy interaction from back-office
- Facility to add html on selected product,category,cms,the only home page and other pages.
- Helps to integrate online chat software.
- Helps to integrate visitors screen recording and heatmap softwares.
- Helps to add useful seo tags on selected product,category,cms,home page and other pages on the website.
- Online chat , heatmap software helps in measure web traffic, visitors count ,track bounce rate, identify the target market,know your visitor
- Helps to Know Your Traffic Source and Conversions.
- Track where the traffic is coming from.
- SEO friendly.
- Support all browsers: Firefox, Chrome, IE, Safari etc.
- Light weight. (Smaller file size which load faster.)
- Compatible with PrestaShop 1.6.x and 1.7.x.
- Multiple browsers compatibility (IE, Firefox, Opera, Safari,Chrome and Edge).
- Mobile, Tablet and all devices compatible.
- Multi-language and Multi Store compatible.
- Module works without doing any change in existing file on PrestaShop store versions.
- 24*7 Support.
- Good Documentation.

Benefits for Customers :

- Customer trust online store and feel comfortable.
- Helps to increase customer understanding and knowledge about the store.
- Helps to find a store on search engines.
- Customer's trust in online store improvement.
- Better customer service.
- Customer's trust your products & services.

Benefits to Merchants

- Stand out amongst competitors using better ranking and visibility on search engine.
- Increase in traffic results in conversions and average order values.
- Cost efficient and reduce expenses of hiring expert to do the task.
- Increase store traffic results in increase in sales.
- Expand market reach,helps in branding and awareness.

Installation :

- Upload module zip file from back-office Module & Services menu tab
- Install module using install button.
- Visit module management page from back-office "More" area (section)
- Please watch module installation, configuration and how to use video on our YouTube channel.
- Module works without doing any change in existing PrestaShop file so that existing customization and theme change do not effect.
- This PrestaShop add-on was developed for versions 1.6.x and 1.7.x, guaranteeing full compatibility with PrestaShop's ecommerce software.
- We provide free technical and feature support in installation, configuration, as well as access to updates available for this product.
- Free support on installation, configuration and customization as per store requirements for example new hook addition on your store.

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