
Views: 1803 Added Date: 10 June 2013 I-themes Like
Wordpress Plugin: Carousel

CMS: WordPress Version: 3.5 Type: plugin Extension Topic: Images

Display rotating sets of images with customizable effects and navigation elements. 

Create and add rotating sets of image groups with customization options for orientation and direction, transition timing, navigation and pagination. Upload images or use existing Media Library images to create Carousel groups and add image links to outside URLs. Add Carousel groups to widget areas or to posts or pages using shortcodes.


  • Unlimited Carousel Groups  — Create multiple image Carousel groups with unlimited customization combinations
  • Carousel Settings Options — Define settings for Carousel groups including horizontal alignment, entity width and number of images to show at once
  • Timing/Animation Customizations — Assign scroll duration, pause duration and start delay
  • Optional Navigation Elements — Choose to display arrow navigation elements or bulleted pagination to navigate between images
  • Image URL Links — Carousel images can include links to outside URLs

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