Google Analytics Dashboard for WP

Views: 5563 Added Date: 29 November 2013 Alin Marcu Like
Wordpress Plugin: Google Analytics Dashboard for WP

CMS: WordPress Version: 2.9 Type: plugin Extension Topic: Analytics

Using a widget, Google Analytics Dashboard displays detailed info and statistics about: number of visits, number of visitors, bounce rates, organic searches, pages per visit directly on your Admin Dashboard.

Authorized users can also view statistics like Views, UniqueViews and top searches, on frontend, at the end of each article.

Using this plugin, your data is collected in a fast and secure manner because Google Analytics Dashboard uses OAuth2 protocol and Google Analytics API.

Main benefits:

  •     you can access all websites statistics in a single widget (websites within same Google Account)
  •     real-time feature, displays real-time visitors, real-time sources and per page real-time traffic details
  •     cache feature, this improves loading speed up to 7 times and avoids dailyLimitExceeded, usageLimits.userRateLimitExceededUnreg, userRateLimitExceeded errors from Google Analytics API
  •     two themes: Blue Theme and Light Theme
  •     main dash access level settings and lock profile feature
  •     access level settings for Backend statistics and reports
  •     access level settings for Frontend data and reports
  •     option to display top 24 pages, referrers and searches (sortable by columns)
  •     option to display Visitors by Country on Geo Map
  •     local websites and business have an option to display cities, instead of countries, on a regional map
  •     option to display Traffic Overview in Pie Charts
  •     option to display Google Analytics statistics on frontend, at the end of each article
  •     simple Authorization process
  •     has multilingual support, a POT file is available for translations. If you have a complete translation, send me the translation file or upload it to our forum and will be included in next release.

This plugin suports Google Analytics tracking. Main tracking options and features:

  •     enable/disable google analytics tracking code
  •     switch between universal analytics and classic analytics tracking methods
  •     supports analytics.js tracking for comaptibility with Universal Analytics web property
  •     supports ga.js tracking for comaptibility with Classic Analytics web property
  •     track single domain, domain and all subdomains, multiple TLD domains
  •     IP address anonymization feature
  •     track events feature: track downloads, emails and outbound links (supported for both tracking methods: classic tracking and universal tracking)
  •     exclude traffic based on user level access


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