Options Framework

Views: 1114 Added Date: 03 December 2013 Devin Price Like
Wordpress Plugin: Options Framework

CMS: WordPress Version: 3.4 Type: plugin Extension Topic: Admin Desk

The Options Framework Plugin makes it easy to include an options panel in any WordPress theme. It was built so developers can concentrate on making the actual theme rather than spending time creating an options panel from scratch. It's free to use in both commercial and personal projects, just like WordPress itself.

Options Include

  •     text input
  •     textarea
  •     checkbox
  •     select
  •     radio button
  •     upload (image uploader)
  •     images (use images instead of radio buttons)
  •     background (a set of options to define a background)
  •     multicheck
  •     color (a jquery color picker)
  •     typography (a set of options to define typography)
  •     editor


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