Add Meta Tags

Views: 1536 Added Date: 03 December 2013 George Notaras Like
Wordpress Plugin: Add Meta Tags

CMS: WordPress Version: 3.7.1 Type: plugin Extension Topic: SEO & Metadata

Add-Meta-Tags (AMT) adds metadata to your content, including the basic description and keywords meta tags, Opengraph,, Twitter Cards and Dublin Core metadata. It is actively maintained since 2006 (historical Add-Meta-Tags home).


The goals of the Add-Meta-Tags plugin are:

  •     provide efficient, out-of-the-box search engine optimization (SEO) on a web site powered by WordPress.
  •     be customizable, yet simple and easy to use and configure with minimal or no support.
  •     be as lightweight as possible.
  •     support advanced customization through the WordPress filter/action system (for developers and advanced users).

Free License and Donations

Add-Meta-Tags is released under the terms of the Apache License version 2 and, therefore, is Free software.

However, a significant amount of time and energy has been put into developing this plugin, so, its production has not been free from cost. If you find this plugin useful and if it has helped your blog get indexed better and rank higher, you can show your appreciation by making a small donation.

Thank you in advance for donating!

What it does

Add-Meta-Tags (AMT) adds metadata to your web site. This metadata contains information about the content, the author, the media files, which have been attached to your content, and even about some of the embedded media (see the details about this feature in the relevant section below).

Metadata refers to information that describes the content in a machine-friendly way. Search engines and other online services use this metadata to better understand your content. Keep in mind that metadata itself does not automatically make your blog rank better. For this to happen the content is still required to meet various quality standards. However, the presence of accurate and adequate metadata gives search engines and other services the chance to make less guesses about your content, index and categorize it better and, eventually, deliver it to an audience that finds it useful. Good metadata facilitates this process and thus plays a significant role in achieving better rankings. This is what the Add-Meta-Tags plugin does.

The following list outlines how and where metadata is added to a WordPress blog.

Basic meta tags

The description and keywords meta tags are added:

Front Page

  •     Automatic addition of the blog's tagline in the description metatag.
  •     Automatic addition of the blog's categories in the keywords metatag.
  •     Customization is possible through the plugin's administration panel.
  •     If a static page is used as the front page, customization is possible at the page's editing panel (Metadata box).

Posts & Pages

  •     Automatic addition of an auto-generated excerpt of the post's or page's content in the description metatag. In case a post has a user-defined excerpt, then this is what is used.
  •     Automatic addition of the post's categories and tags in the keywords meta tag. Pages do not support categories and tags, so there is no automatic addition of the keywords metatag.
  •     Customization is possible by adding a custom description and keywords in the post's or page's editing panel (Metadata box).

Attachment Pages

  •     A description metatag is automatically generated from the caption or, if a caption has not been set, from the description of the attachment.

Custom Post Types

  •     A description is automatically generated from the first paragraph of the content. Keywords are not generated automatically.
  •     Customization of the description and keywords meta tags is possible at the post type's editing panel (Metadata box).

Category-based Archives

  •     The description of the category, if set, is used in the description meta tag. If a description does not exist, then a generic one is used.
  •     The name of the category is always used in the keywords metatag.

Tag-based Archives

  •     The description of the tag, if set, is used in the description meta tag. If a description does not exist, then a generic one is used.
  •     The name of the tag is always used in the keywords metatag.

Author-based Archives

  •     The bio of the WordPress user, if set, is used in the description meta tag on the first page of the author archive. All other author archive pages use a generic description.
  •     The categories of the posts that are currently being displayed in the page are used in the keywords meta tag.

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