Meta Slider

Views: 1218 Added Date: 03 December 2013 Matcha Labs Like
Wordpress Plugin: Meta Slider

CMS: WordPress Version: 3.5 Type: plugin Extension Topic: Slideshow

Meta Slider is a flexible, intuitive slideshow administration plugin that lets you choose between 4 jQuery sliders.

    Nivo Slider (Responsive, 16 transition effects, 4 themes)
    Coin Slider (4 transition effects)
    Flex Slider 2 (Responsive, 2 transition effects, carousel mode)
    Responsive Slides (Responsive, fade effect only, incredibly light weight!)


  •     Create unlimited fully featured image slideshows
  •     Simple, easy to use interface
  •     Choose from 4 slideshow types
  •     Live admin preview
  •     Built in Widget and Shortcode to easily embed your slideshows into Posts, Pages & Templates
  •     Configure each slideshow individually (speed, theme, hover pause, width, height, easing etc)
  •     Fully integrated with the new style WordPress Media Manager
  •     Add captions (html supported) and URLs to slides
  •     Drag and drop reordering
  •     Intelligent image cropping
  •     Fully localised
  •     Multi Site compatible
  •     Lightweight - only the minimum JavaScript/CSS is outputted to your page
  •     Minimal upgrade nags(!)
  •     Lots more!

Want More? Get the Meta Slider Pro addon pack to add support for:

  •     YouTube & Vimeo slides
  •     HTML slides
  •     Layer slides with CSS3 animations
  •     Dynamic Post Feed/Featured Image Slides (content slider)
  •     Custom Themes
  •     Thumbnail Navigation (new!)


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