WP File Download

Views: 2738 Added Date: 26 August 2014 JoomUnited Like
Wordpress Plugin: WP File Download

CMS: WordPress Version: 3.8 Type: plugin Extension Topic: File Management

Get the easiest file manager for WordPress. Manage all your files and categories of files from your favorite editor. All editor are supported, inside page, post, widget, custom post type,...

Create a file category, drag'n drop your files then insert category or a single file directly in your content. Dropfiles brings you a lot of professional features to manage files: 1 click ordering, 4 responsive themes, AJAX public side navigation. Native WordPress user role can restrict the access on the catgory of files in one click.

Working in all editors, backend and frontend. Perfect to work fast. Easy for final users.


Main features

  • Add a file in 3 click from editor
  • 4 responsive theme with icons
  • File AJAX ordering Category
  • sub category AJAX ordering Use
  • Dropfiles from any text editor
  • Theme display parameters
  • Update files in one click HTML5 multi uploader
  • Apply WordPress user roles
  • Import existing files from your server
  • Easy to create your own theme

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