Product Gallery Images with Zoom Effect Module for Prestashop

Views: 2901 Added Date: 24 December 2018 Webtet Like
Prestashop Extension: Product Gallery Images with Zoom Effect Module for Prestashop

CMS: Prestashop Version: 1.7 Type: module Extension Topic: Images Unique tags: ecommerce prestashop zoom product page zoom responsive windows zoom zoom zoom image prestashop zoom images

With the help of the module “Prestashop Product Images ZOOM”, users are able to magnify an image to have a more detailed view of the image. It clears and highlights customizable modules for your store. Let’s zoom on your products!!! This module best using two images, one low resolution for the visible image, and one high resolution for the zoomed image. If you only have one image available, this module will still work if you scale down the image, larger images. Configuration options for the zoom. This module provides a field formatter to zoom an image while hovering over it. An image style is selected for the default display image, and an additional style is selected to be used as the zoomed image. When a user hovers over the displayed image, the zoomed image appears and is positioned relative to the current mouse position. User can see every aspect of your product with this module “Prestashop Product Images ZOOM”. It extension is allows to see the product images as is. You easily bring your products closer to customers. So it helps to improve store more professional and usability. Also makes your store more frendly!

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