Association flash Products

Views: 1050 Added Date: 16 December 2013 Dream Me Up Like
Prestashop Extension: Association flash Products

CMS: Prestashop Version: 1.4.1 Type: module Extension Topic: Admin Desk


An essential module for your products!

You have over than 100 products?
You want to control the association of your products to your categories?
This module is for you!

Merchant Benefits

Save time!

In one interface, all in ajax (without reloading the page), see the products associated to a category.

Look for products that you want to add this category and add 1 click!

You also control the default category of your products directly through the icon on the right.


  •     Products filter by category, name and reference
  •     Associate one or several product to a category
  •     Unassociate one or several product from a category
  •     Move one or several product to a category
  •     Order your products inside a category

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