SEO Redirections of URLS Management [301,302,303,404]

Views: 1729 Added Date: 30 May 2018 shahab Like
Prestashop Extension: SEO Redirections of URLS Management [301,302,303,404]

CMS: Prestashop Version: 1.1 Type: module Extension Topic: SEO & Metadata Unique tags: seo redirection 404 301 302 303 error pages

The module helps to manage SEO of online store by adding 301,302,303,404 or any URL redirects and solve not working URLs related errors.
It helps to resolve 404 error pages redirect and helps in organic traffic to targeted pages from search engine.
This module helps to create unlimited redirects and option to choose between different types of redirect reasons like below.
404 - URL not found on store website.
301 - URL permanently moved to a new location
302 - URL temporarily moved to a new location.
303 - GET method used to retrieve information
- This module helps to improve seo by redirecting not working urls and avoid losing customer trust on store urls.
- This helps to fix issues related urls on webmasters like Google and Bing from back-office.
- Helps to improve reputation on search engine ranking by solving broken links issues.
- Helps to improve customer interaction.
- The module works without doing any change in .htaccess file.
- Helps to redirect to internal and outside links from not working urls.
- The module works for categories,products,cms and all pages links.
- Helps in SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and search engine ranking.
- Improve online visibility and get targeted traffic.
- SEO friendly.
- Support all browsers: Firefox, Chrome, IE, Safari etc.
- Light weight. (Smaller file size which load faster.)
- Compatible with PrestaShop 1.5.x,1.6.x and 1.7.x.
- Multiple browsers compatibility(IE, Firefox, Opera, Safari,Chrome and Edge).
- Mobile,Tablet and all device compatible.
- Multi-language and Multi Store compatible.
- Module works without doing any change in existing file on PrestaShop store versions.
- 24*7 Support
- Good Documentation

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