Prestashop Modules - Social Share

Social Like Box, Sliding Tab module adds animation sliding tab with Like Button and Share Button on your store. Also, you can send messages via messanger. And you can add widget without animation in different many...

The module allows to integrate addthis social content sharing widget on a website. It helps in a social bookmarking and sharing buttons helps spreads content across the web by making it easier for visitors to bookmark an...

With this module users will can easily share your content on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Linkedin, Reddit, and Pinterest. This is a very simple to use social media sharing module for your Prestashop store. No registr...

This module allows you to increase your sales by boosting your customers to share your products under their social networks. With the new user friendly interface of configuration, either select one of the predetermine...

This module adds Responsive Facebook Like Box. It’s the simplest way to advertise your facebook fanpage. With this one you get more likes. Feel the power of social networking sites and stay close to your customers. ...