Python programming language: web application development for the new generation

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Array News: Python programming language: web application development for the new generation

Python programming language: web application development for the new generation.

What is Python, and why it was inventedUnlike PHP, which is suitable for web development and some experiments in other areas, Python is considered a universal language. It can be equally good for mobile applications, "front" sites, creating software to combat malware and others. The whole point of programming on Python is that you can write absolutely everything on it.

Python is a relatively old language for web development: it was conceived in the 1980th, and implemented closer to the 1990th. Its author, Guido van Rossum, wanted to improve the ABC language, which was used for learning, but had a number of flaws. As a result, Rossum’s hobby turned out to be a high-level script PL, thanks to which web development has risen to a new level.

If you compare it with PHP, which is still the leader in terms of creating websites, then on Python the whole process goes much faster. In addition, it is a language that supports object-oriented programming, which is also a plus. Serious developers are used to working that way.

The developers of the Python language adhere to a certain programming philosophy called “The Zen of Python”. It was written by Tim Peters. Some of the slogans will be used. For example, with the following heading.

"Readability counts"

This is one of the main slogans of Python, which directly affects its prevalence in web development. The creators have focused not on the power of the code itself, but on the productivity of the developers who work with it. This is one of the points that distinguish language from PHP. The “preprocessor” best of all gets the code that only its author can read. To work in a team, this approach will not work. Even the most complex calculation system will look clearer than standard Java and C-like applications. A person who is far from programming in Python, but who understands the principles of creating a program, will be able to understand the big picture.

For the new generation of network

As soon as someone begins to criticize the language of web development, it is important to understand the reason: most likely, it is simply widely used, and its shortcomings are known to all. But despite the prevalence, the weaknesses of Python you will hear infrequently. It fits well with the modern Internet and actively continues to develop towards the web. Perhaps in a few years it will be associated exclusively with web programming.

So, Java, C, and PHP have their own audience of fans. Each of them has its own strengths, which are actively reproached by those who write on Python. But the truth is that large companies willingly believe in Python, creating the foundation for their business processes. And although the main competitor in this area (Java) has higher code execution speed, Python takes its toll due to the simplicity of the written program. It is easier to edit and detect errors. Well, if we talk about web-development, here time is calculated in minutes. Unable to raise the server, and now - users have moved to a competitor.

In Python believe, business sharks like Google. Their first crawler was fully implemented on the Python. But here pragmatism played a role: after a while it had to be replaced by the one that was created with the help of C ++. Believe me, such a load, like on Google, is not waiting for any of your projects - create in Python and feel no difference. For example, the PayPal service is also created on Python, and this does not prevent it from showing its speed to the world. And, of course, the well-known Instagram user and Spotify are also based on Python (desktop versions).

But where true web development with Python is good, it’s in the creation of statistical web applications. For this, Python even has a special library - Dash. It can be downloaded using the usual command in the console and start developing your analytical giant. Almost all such services, such as calculating the population of people or the growth rate of inflation, are created on Python using the Dash library. It's nice that the created graphs and tables can be transformed in terms of the interface, as if you are working with CSS.

Benefits per million

In general, you already understand how good Pythonis for web development. Everyone uses it, and it is effective. So let's put everything in the list of advantages that characterize the work with this programming language:
  • wide use. This is always a plus, and we have already talked about it. Everyone around is using Python, even Disney. The consequence of this fact is that much is already known about him. As soon as you encounter a problem when programming in Python, you can immediately turn to a search engine for help: most likely, someone has already solved your problem. In addition, for the implementation of almost any project there are already blanks that can be applied to yourself;
  • variety of implementations. The most famous and canonical one is CPython, an implementation in C. This means that the code written on it fully interacts with C, and the libraries of this language can also be used for implementation. The same applies to the Java language. There is also an implementation on it - Jython. There are lots of such examples, up to the interaction of Python with Android and iOS;
  • simplicity of language. No, nobody says that Python is easy. But if you compare languages with the same features, then it is clearly ahead of everyone. This means that it can be used not only in web development, but also in any other area where specialists do not have deep knowledge in programming. For example, if you study astronomy and want to perform complex calculations, then Java will definitely not work for you. The syntax in Python is similar to ordinary mathematical operations and does not carry additional complexity;
  • speed. Do not be surprised when a little lower you will see this item in the list of shortcomings. In fact, everything is relative. Although Python programming can create slower code than Java or C, it is still significantly faster than JavaScript, PHP or Ruby. In addition, over the past few years, the PyPy project has managed to significantly “accelerate” Python.

But from this entire list, the key aspect, of course, is simplicity. Due to the low input threshold, more people join the programming. For example, there are even childish implementations of Python that encourage children to program. And if your child in high school begins to solve school problems on Python, then by the end of it he will know exactly what he wants to do in life.

Everything is surmountable!

It is with this slogan you want to start a story about the shortcomings of Python. Language develops so quickly that in a few years our words will be irrelevant. Actively working on the problems that are currently pursuing web development in Python.

As promised, the first and only one will be speed. It is on it that all subsequent defects are tied. There are several approaches explaining why this language works more slowly than its static counterparts (C-family and Java). The first one insists that Gil is the Global Interpreter Lock. And this is true: the lock blocks the streams in order not to destroy the data that moves in them. As soon as the danger passes, he frees them. This technology is designed to ensure stability, but as a result, slows down. The good news is that programmers have come up with a lot of solutions to this problem, and in the new version of the language the process itself is greatly optimized.

The second reason may be dynamic typing. Once it was a tool that makes it easy for novice developers. But in large projects it will be difficult to keep track of dynamic data. Because web-development of such applications using Python requires experience. Companies like Dropbox solve this problem with specific implementations — the Pyston project.

We have it all! Learn Python! Use Python!

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