10 Modules for Drupal 7 version

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Drupal News: 10 Modules for Drupal 7 version


1. Administration menu Drupal Module

Using this module, you will be able to perform a number of required standard operations quickly and effectively. This Drupal Module provides a theme-independent administration interface, that is a helper for new users coming from other CMS and a time-saver for site administrators.

Administration menu Drupal Module


2. Date Drupal Module

The module Date containes a flexible date/time field type Date field and a Date API that other modules can use. Unlike 5 and 6 Drupal versions, that requires Content Construction Kit (CCK) module, the Drupal 7 version works with the core Field functionality.

Date Drupal Module


3. Colorbox Drupal Module

Colorbox Drupal Module allows you to create pop-ups and enlarge images in CMS Drupal 7. Also Colorbox opens Drupal forms with effect of “Lightbox”. Images, inline content or iframed etc. can be displayed in a overlay above the current page.

Colorbox Drupal Module


4. Fivestar Drupal Module

Fivestar Drupal Module is rating system module, that allows you to add attractive voting widget on your website. Using Fivestar Drupal Module you can see the result of voting, the number of votes and an average rating.

Fivestar Drupal Module


5. Media Drupal Module

Media Drupal Module is one of the most convenient new modules for Drupal 7. Media Drupal Module provides an extensible framework for managing files and multimedia assets. With this drupal module you can easy handle images, video and audio files in Drupal 7.

Media Drupal Module


6. Nice Menus Drupal Module

Nice Menus Drupal Module enables adding Drop downs to your Drupal 7 website. The Nice Menus module allows you to create drop down menus (can drop down, to right, or to left), hierarchical menus, or parent child menus.

Nice Menus Drupal Module


7. Webform Drupal Module

Webform is easy Drupal Module for creating feedback forms. Webform Drupal Module have the ability export to Excel, send results by e-mail and integrate with other Drupal 7 modules.

Webform Drupal Module


8. Views Drupal Module

Views Drupal Module is the most popular module on drupal.org. Views is the main module for creation views and display them on your website using a variety of contextual filters, criterias and additional settings.

Views Drupal Module


9. Content Access and Simple Access Drupal Modules

The main difference between this Access Drupal Modules is that Content Access provides functionality per-content-type and Simple Access provides per-node controls.

Content Access Drupal Module


10. Ubercart and Drupal commerce modules

To create your webshop on Drupal, you can use either Ubercart or Drupal commerce module - two the most popular Drupal platforms. Here you will find everything that you need for creation your shop. Drupal commerce bases on Drupal 7 and uses its API. Ubercart is long-time leader, but the number of Drupal commerce module’s supporters grow every day.

Ubercart Drupal module

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