Add videos to products in DJ-Catalog (3.8.0 Update)

Joomla Views: 500 Added Date: May 25, 2020 Joomla-Monster Like
Joomla News: Add videos to products in DJ-Catalog (3.8.0 Update)

Add videos to the product in DJ-Catalog2 Joomla extension.


The release of the DJ-Catalog2 3.8.0 version brings videos to product galleries.




  • Attach videos on any product page 
  • Add multiple videos in the product gallery 
  • Play videos in a popup 
  • Upload or embed videos from Youtube, Vimeo or any server in .mp4 format 
  • Use self-hosted videos 
  • Add custom thumbnails for videos
  • Fixes and improvements were applied.



InPost shipping plugin was updated.


Check blog post (with video) to see what's new!

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