Balbooa - We are ready for Joomla 3.3!

Joomla Views: 1252 Added Date: May 13, 2014 balbooa Like
Joomla News: Balbooa - We are ready for Joomla 3.3!

Hi, dudes. We keep up with the time, of course!)


Some days ago Joomla 3.3 stable has released and since we are not old, we want to use the newest version for development. Joomla 3.3 brought a lot of new superior features that will make an affect on the quality of Joomla development. Front-end module editing, more jQuery less MOOtools is some of superior features that have Joomla 3.3.


Since we have find out about Joomla 3.3 releasing, we were waiting when we finally would be able to test our products with this version. Once, into our hands have came beta version of Joomla 3.3, and we finally start to test and develop all our products under it. We want to say that we have done it, we have tested all our Joomla templates and Joomla extensions and they are all ready for using with Joomla 3.3. All features began to work even more superior, in a word Joomla 3.3 is an awesome stuff!! We see that Joomla is on the road of making an ideal CMS.


Become a member and start using our products on the awesome Joomla 3.3

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