New version of book library - Joomla eBook software for create book library website

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Joomla News: New version of book library - Joomla eBook software for create book library website

New version of book library - Joomla eBook software for create book library website


Book library - Joomla eBook software for create book library website, online book collection or book store. With New version of Book Library - Joomla eBook software you may create book library website, Amazon partner store your online personal library or public library, ebook collection, or any other eBooks website.


In New version of Book library - Joomla eBook software we have added:


01. Support Amazon PA API 5.0. Product Advertising API (PA API 5.0) is the latest version of the Product Advertising API - to give access to the latest retail product information. Now Book library - Joomla eBook software supports PA API 5.0 and opens more opportunities for clients to create book online library website

02. Changed RSS design. Book library - Joomla eBook software update RSS design, now it is more attractive in the browser.

03. Changed sub folder show algorithm. After the update Book library - eBook software for create book library website has possible to show all category with books, even if there are no books in the main book category

sub folder show algorithm in eBook software for create book library website

04. Added support to Open Library. is an open, editable library catalog, so you can easy create book library website by selecting the data you need from the open library;

05. Added support update and licence. Ordasoft clients now will always be able to update and use only the newest version of Joomla eBook software for create book library website, if they have a license.

Joomla Templates that create on Book Library - Joomla eBook software

Digital Library Joomla Template - Amazon

eBook Library Joomla Template - Writer

Book Library Joomla Template - Classic

Digital Library Joomla Template - Amazon, that create on Book Library - Joomla eBook software eBook Library Joomla Template - Writer, that create on Book Library - eBook software Book Library Joomla Template - Classic, that create on Book Library - eBook software
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